Keep Your Special Senior Dog Healthy

Your twelve-year-old beagle Barney is still a canine fun machine. While he has slowed down slightly, he definitely enjoys every moment, and you’d like to keep it that way. Tomorrow, your veterinarian will give your favorite dog a thorough physical exam. If you’ve observed changes in Barney’s food and water intake, tell the vet. If your dog’s urination and defecation behaviors are different, relay that information. Get guidelines on keeping your senior housemate healthy.

Tailored Nutrition Program

Barney’s nutritionally complete adult diet fueled his energetic lifestyle. His food provided him with quality protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. Those nutrients are still important, although the proportions will likely be different. He should also decrease his calorie consumption.

To get Barney on track, your vet will examine his nutritional needs and exercise habits. Next, the vet will recommend a quality senior dog diet. If your pooch had a chronic medical condition, your vet might prescribe a specialty food that augmented his treatment program.

Consistent Dental Care

Provide your senior canine with regular dental exams and cleanings. You don’t want him to develop uncomfortable dental disease that can lead to internal organ infections.

Your vet will examine your dog’s teeth and gums during his physical checkups. He’ll likely prescribe a complete dental cleaning, performed while Barney snoozes under anesthesia. The vet will remove harmful plaque, tartar, and bacteria while a veterinary technician monitors your dog’s vital signs. Afterward, the vet will provide instructions on brushing your canine housemate’s teeth. Ask if dental chew toys would also help to clean your dog’s choppers.

Vaccinations Are Vital

Barney’s vaccinations are still important, as they protect him against infectious and dangerous canine diseases. After your vet evaluates your dog’s age, lifestyle, and health situation, he’ll administer the appropriate shots.

Regular Light Exercise

Keeping your dog active helps him to prevent obesity. Of course, he’d like to continue his daily walks; and ask the vet about other gentle exercise. Tell your vet if Barney seems to feel pain when he stands or walks normally, or grimaces when he navigates the steps. Your vet can prescribe medications and/or therapies that can help your pooch to feel better.

During Barney’s twice-yearly physical checkups, your veterinarian will adjust his senior health program. To obtain a tailored program for your dog, call us for expert assistance.

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